
Tatton Investment Management is a ground-breaking investment manager that has changed the way investors access and use discretionary fund management.

Passive Funds

Tatton launches three risk rated multi-asset funds designed to maximise returns for investors who want to invest with lower or higher levels of risk in low cost passive investments.

How can we help you?

The Tatton Approach Service, Price, Performance

Tatton was created to provide Financial Advisers the highest quality investment products and services for their clients. Investing through Tatton is simple and straightforward and be carried out through your existing investment platforms.

We can transform an investment strategy without having to move or transfer any assets. Our award-winning investment team oversees a range of investment portfolios and funds designed to meet the needs of virtually all investor types.

Our sole focus is on investment management and we believe in the importance of high-quality financial advice. Therefore, we partner with Financial Advisers who are seeking an investment manager that can provide them with the investment services they need to meet their clients’ needs.

Tatton Insights

Every week Tatton delivers industry insights that keep you informed on the latest news from the markets and beyond.

A Middle East market pull back?

23 April 2024

Tatton Adviser resources

Ethical Portfolio Brochure

Tatton Passive Funds


Time in the Market


Tatton Outlook


Green bonds and ethical investing


You have reached your destination


CIP Construction: The sequel


ESG Review


Portfolio Review


Bespoke Portfolio Service


Ethical Portfolio


Managed Portfolio Service


Tatton Investment Management at a glance

£16.55 billion

assets under management as at March 2024


investor accounts


Financial Adviser firms

The latest updates from Tatton HQ

Pluses and minuses

17 May 2024Tatton Weekly

It was a decent week for investors, with global stocks up around 1% from last Friday. British and European equities finished virtually flat, with the US and China slightly up. The gain for US stocks was not outsized, but it was enough…

Tatton Teaser

16 May 2024Tatton Teaser

A big debate for investors, active vs passive investing. Are active equity funds outperforming passive equity funds? Return data from active and passive managers suggests that it depends on the region. Over the last 12 months, and within most of the major…

Tatton Teaser

14 May 2024Tatton Teaser

The most tangible investment to many is good old bricks and mortar, and the most intangible is, by its nature crypto currency. So, a mental exercise we wondered how many Bitcoins (BTC) would it have taken to buy the ‘average’ US home…